Tips For Saving Money At A Funeral Home


When someone dies unexpectedly, it can be challenging for families to come up with the money to pay for the funeral and burial. Thankfully, there are many ways to save on a loved one's final expenses.

Here are some tips:

Tip: Call Around and Compare Prices

Federal law in the United States requires funeral homes to disclose their prices over the phone and provide you with a price list of all of their services. Many people are unaware this law exists and don't shop around. They are already upset and stressed about their relative's death and don't want to take the time and make the effort to have sit-down meetings.

If there are multiple funeral homes in your area, shopping around over the phone before setting up an in-person appointment gives you an idea of the various costs charged by different businesses.

Tip: Your Loved One Can be Dressed in Their Own Clothing

Purchasing new clothing for your loved one to be buried or cremated in is not necessary. Spending a lot of money on a new suit or outfit has a lot of costs when it can easily be saved by looking through the deceased's closet and selecting their favorite outfit.

Don't forget, you can always think outside the box and use their favorite baseball outfit or holiday sweater. While funerals are somber events, they ultimately celebrate the person's life. Clothing is a great way to incorporate your loved one's personality.

Tip: Bring Along a Frugal, Trusted Friend or Relative

If you are afraid of overspending when you meet with the funeral director to finalize the funeral arrangements, bring along a trusted friend or relative. It's helpful if you bring someone who is frugal and will be honest with you about their opinions on the funeral budget.

Since you are feeling overwhelmed, having someone else who doesn't have such an emotional connection is vital. Of course, you want a big event with all the bells and whistles, but this will blow your budget out of the water.

Tip: Consider Purchasing a Less Expensive Casket Online

Finally, you might be surprised to learn you aren't required to purchase a casket from the funeral home. You can shop online and have the casket of your choice shipped to the funeral home. This is often a good choice if you want a specialty casket the local funeral home does not have in stock.

For more information, contact a funeral home near you.


14 December 2022

Avoiding Funeral Failures

When my cousin passed away and I attended the funeral, I was blown away with how terrible it was. I know that it might seem terrible to say, but the memorial service didn't even come close to honoring his memory. His friends joked around at the pulpit, and the videos of him were less than enlightening. I decided to start preparing then for any memorial service that I might have to plan in the future. This decision came in handy when my mother died because I was able to give her the type of funeral that she deserved. This blog is filled with interesting articles about planning funerals.