Three Reasons To Choose Cremation Over Burial


Half of Americans prefer cremation over traditional burial ceremonies. It illustrates that people's attitude towards death and funerals has shifted over the years. The main reason people's attitude towards burials has changed is modernization. In the past, people lived together on family land with other extended family members throughout their lives. It was culturally appropriate for them to bury their family members on ancestral land. Modernization has made it difficult for individuals to continue this practice as people work in different countries and cities. It makes it hard for family members to transport their loved one's body from one country to another for the burial ceremony. Here are three reasons you should choose cremation over burial. 

Cremation Is Affordable 

Planning a burial ceremony is expensive as the deceased's family must buy a casket, look for a venue, buy funeral clothes, and release invitation cards. They must also rent a hearse to transport the body from the funeral home to the venue, which increases the burial expenses. The guests will also incur transport costs. For instance, some guests may have to travel from different countries and states to attend the funeral. In contrast, cremation is direct since no ceremony preparations are required. It makes it affordable as the deceased's family avoids expenses like buying a casket. 

Cremation Is Time Efficient

Planning a funeral can be time-consuming; one must book a venue, a priest, and funeral caterers, which takes a lot of time. It can also be overwhelming to plan a funeral. Most people want everything to go as planned, which makes it hard for them to handle different setbacks. For instance, it can be frustrating when someone looks for a venue without luck. This is emotionally draining, especially when you are still grieving. In contrast, cremation is faster and involves fewer hassles. The body will be cremated, and one is given the ashes to dispose of at their convenience. 

Cremation Gives One Many Options for a Resting Place

When you bury someone, the cemetery is the only place you can visit them. It makes it hard for someone to visit, especially if they relocate. In contrast, cremation is flexible, allowing people to always be with their loved ones. After cremation, people are given their loved one's ashes for safekeeping. You can store the ashes in a jar and place them on the shelf if you do not want to scatter them. Ultimately, cremation allows you to carry the ashes wherever you go.

Contact a company like Fletcher Funeral Home PA to learn more. 


20 September 2022

Avoiding Funeral Failures

When my cousin passed away and I attended the funeral, I was blown away with how terrible it was. I know that it might seem terrible to say, but the memorial service didn't even come close to honoring his memory. His friends joked around at the pulpit, and the videos of him were less than enlightening. I decided to start preparing then for any memorial service that I might have to plan in the future. This decision came in handy when my mother died because I was able to give her the type of funeral that she deserved. This blog is filled with interesting articles about planning funerals.